
I've been thinking lately that i'm ready for something new, just something new exciting and different. So sunday i asked the drover for his suggestion on an new adventure... and then i suggested a choice between a new puppy or baby? And guess what he picked- baby. Now family- before you get too excited you must realize the drover saw right through the question and knew if he answered puppy there was a very likely chance i might just come home with one- however if he said baby he knew a. i'd panic and b. he could buy himself more time because he knows me and knows i have a plan- and right now that plan doesn't say baby. It says things like alaska, school, work, pictures, and picture projects. So for now we are still puppy-less (can you imagine how upsetting a puppy would be to mr. dog- he has a bad case of only child syndrome- eventually we plan to break him of this). And someday we are gonna do the baby thing- and i really hope when that day comes the little one inherits their daddy's eyelashes. 


Meg and Brad said...

Tell me how come a baby wouldn't fit in with alaska, school, work and pictures. In my mind they go with all of them!! Why wait....get on the wagon! Plan schmam. Sometimes those plans need to be thrown out the window! And I'm pretty sure some GA has said not to wait....I could probably find multiple talks if you'd like to read them!

I am PRO Little Hutchins #1!!!!!

Carlee Jean said...

I vote baby too. Since our lovely brother is taking the first one with him... BABY BABY BABY! You won't be fertile forever...


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