
baby "H"

We long ago decided that when it was time to find out what Baby H. is we wanted to include of course mr.dog and our families. So here's how yesterday went- at the ultrasound we requested that we not be shown the gender of the baby- (I can't begin to tell you how hard it was not to open our eyes!) the ultrasound tech then sealed the pictures and the gender of the baby inside an envelope. We then waited six very long hours until all our families could be together! We had our oldest niece and nephew go inside the house open the envelope and dress mr. dog in the appropriate color! As soon as he was dressed they released him out the front door to surprise everyone- including us! I can't tell you how shocked we were to see what color he was wearing... 

It's a GIRL! We were completely shocked (we were positive it was a boy)- but we couldn't be more thrilled to welcome a sweet little lady into our family!  


J.C. & Tiana said...

Ok seriously this is the party you threw for finding out. I can't wait to come to her first birthday Party. I love, love, love it!!!! Little girls are so much fun. Congrats to you both!!!

The Uzelac's said...

Yesssssssssssss!!!!!!! Lucky little girlie!

Josh and Brittany said...

CONGRATS!!! I cant wait to see this new little lady!! Do you have name ideas?

Josh and Brittany said...

CONGRATS!!! I cant wait to see this new little lady!! Do you have name ideas?

Elizabeth said...

Congrats you guys!

Emily said...

Congratulations Whitney! How fun for you guys, enjoy every minute of getting ready for that little girl - she is so lucky to get to come to your family :)

Kyle and Jessica said...

Whit! I am so so excited for you guys! You are going to be the CUTEST mom and have such a beautiful baby girl. Love you!


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