
Deep breath..... 
to say life has been busy would be an understatement. Since returning from our last family reunion we both worked 6 days straight- just to pack up the car and head back to the mountains with our other big crazy family. Mr. dog broke his tooth which required a surgical extraction and one very funny drugged puppy. I got into a little bit of a scuffle with a 80lb dog at work which ended poorly for my AC muscles and tendons in my shoulder (hence the sling). And the drover well he has been busy taking care of his two wounded counterparts. And since two of us have been down and out we've decided to finally join the craze and watch the all harry potter movies from beginning to end- currently we're lost somewhere in the middle. And just so you know the rumors are true- once you start with wizards, witches, and hogwarts you just can't stop. 

In the mean time enjoy a few scenes from our latest campout... 

And yes that sunset was breathtaking. However those clouds brewing in the corner are breathtaking as well and not in a nice beautiful sort of way. They will certainly take your breath away at 3:30 in the morning when your running from your tent to your car in a rain/hail storm because somewhere very close just got stuck by lighting and your afraid your next- yeah that kind of breathtaking. 

and yes mr. dog wears both boots (to protect his paw pads from being warn off from the rocks and sand- yes it has happened before) and a lifejacket! because its safer that way- and we love him! 

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Oh I love Flaming Gorge and this really made me want to go. And they definitely have some crazy thunderstorms there! So sad about your shoulder-hope it gets better soon!


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