
Well another year of the Mayfield family reunion has come and gone. And although the camera was a permeant fixture to my side i really didn't take many pictures. I was too busy enjoying my four days of nowhere to be and nowhere to go attitude. But here are just a few of my favorite highlights- 

  • a quick sundown picture trip with the drover (more on that later)
  • our caravan getting stranded on the side of the highway with the trailer containing all the refrigerated food- family bonding time people! 
  • a six year old second cousin who told her mom the drover was the cutest boy at the reunion and i was lucky to be his sweetheart- its true i am lucky! 
  • 6:30am caffeine trips 
  • getting to help cook and serve 200 people 5 meals- i cut more cantaloupe and watermelon than i ever care to see again
  • another little 2nd cousin spending 45 minutes alone playing with mr. dog (whom she called tom tom) and his friend william turner all while speaking in a british accent 
  • one of my photographs was one of highest bid items at the auction- whose proceeds benefited the reunion fund! 
  • getting to know our extended family better- uncle gary you seriously had us throughly entertained 
  • 4 days sleeping in a tent without air conditioning, computers, email, phones, or tv- it was the perfect nowhere to be nowhere to go weekend! 

1 comment:

Pretzel's World said...

your photos are AMAZING as always!


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